
Letter from Assiniboia Surgical Centre regarding COVID-19 pandemic

Dear all,

With the recent increase in COVID 19 cases in Canada, Assiniboia Surgical Centre is revisiting and tightening the public health precautions, before – during and after your visit to the centre. We will abide by the Public Health Recommendation, MDA, RCDC and Shared Health in Winnipeg.

Our office is well equipped with all types of PPE, respirators, shields, gowns, masks, sanitizers,  air purifiers as well as added new high efficient HVAC ventilation >12 times/ hour.

Please contact our office or check our website for more details.

Thank you,
The Assiniboia Surgical Centre Team


How to Prepare for and Prevent COVID 19:

  1. How can I reduce my risk of infection from COVID-19
  2. Living with the risk of COVID-19
  3. Social distancing

As the COVID-19 pandemic has evolved, Manitobans have played a significant role in supporting a number of public health measures and successfully flattened the curve. These behaviors have put the province in a good position to continue a phased approach to easing these measures.

However, this is not a return to normal. The risk of COVID-19 is still present and will likely remain for some time.

While everyone takes risks in their lives each and every day, the key is to take precautions to minimize those risks. We are now at a point where everyone needs to learn how to live with the COVID-19 virus, and how people can reduce their personal risk. People are social beings, and need to connect with others. When attending events or visiting with friends and family, everyone should consider what steps they can take to minimize risks.

The level of risk that individuals and businesses are comfortable with is different for every person. As public health measures are lifted and/or eased and things start to reopen, each person and business needs to decide their comfort level of risk related to COVID-19.

The steps we take individually and collectively going forward will go a long way to ensuring we can resume many of our activities, including visiting family and friends and hosting or attending child playdates.

Individuals at increased risk of serious outcomes from COVID-19, including individuals older than 60 years and those living with a compromised immune system or chronic condition, should continue to limit non-essential outings. If these individuals choose to visit with family, they should avoid close contact and maintain an appropriate physical distance, preferably outdoors, to lower their risk as much as possible.

By adopting the following habits, we can reduce our risk and the risks to others:

  • If you are sick, even if you only feel a little unwell, stay home. Use the online self-assessment tool to see if you may be at risk of having COVID-19.
  • Individuals – If you are sick, do not leave your home to go to work, school or other public places (e.g. stores, restaurants, churches, etc.), unless you require urgent medical care.
  • Parents/ Caregivers – If your children are sick, they should stay home from school, daycare, playdates and/or extra-curricular activities.
  • Employers – Develop and implement workplace policies that allow and encourage employees to stay home when sick.
  • Sports teams/ activity organizers/ schools/ daycares – Do not allow anyone who is sick to attend/ participate.
  • If you have concerns about your symptoms, or are unsure whether you should be tested, call Health Links – Info Santé (204-788-8200 or toll free at 1-888-315-9257).
  • When you are with others outside your household, gather in outdoor settings where possible, and maintain physical distancing except for brief exchanges.
  • Limit the number of people that you come in contact with at this time to continue to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
  • Avoid sharing personal items such as food or drinks.
  • Practice proper cough etiquette. Turn away from people and cough or sneeze into a tissue or your sleeve.
  • Practice proper hand hygiene.

How can I reduce my risk of infection from COVID-19?

  • Good hand hygiene provides significant protection from viral respiratory illnesses, such as COVID-19.
  • People are encouraged to take common prevention measures, including regular hand-washing with soap and warm water for at least 15 seconds. Make sure to dry your hands thoroughly. You can also use an alcohol-based hand cleanser if your hands are not visibly dirty.
  • Avoid close contact (within two metres or six feet) with anyone showing symptoms of a respiratory illness, such as coughing or sneezing. Children and adolescents should avoid sharing food or drinks (e.g., sippy cups and water bottles), musical instruments or other things that have been in a person’s mouth or hands.
  • Testing is critical to identify and isolate cases and contacts early, to limit further spread and protect those at increased risk. Individuals experiencing any respiratory symptoms are encouraged to visit a community screening location.
  • It is especially important to clean your hands:
    • after coughing or sneezing
    • when caring for a sick person
    • before, during and after you prepare food
    • before eating
    • after toilet use
    • when hands are visibly dirty
    • You should also cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, or you can cough or sneeze into your sleeve. Throw used tissues in the garbage and immediately wash your hands, or use an alcohol-based hand cleanser.

Social (Physical) Distancing:

NEW Last updated: June 13, 2020)

Manitoba public health officials have issued public health orders. Please visit the State of Emergency page to see how these orders affect you.

Social (physical) distancing works by limiting the number of people that you, and your family, come into close contact (within two metres/ six feet). Health officials in Manitoba have already recommended many kinds of social (physical) distancing, including school closures, changes in workplaces and the cancellation of public gatherings where close contact cannot be avoided.

What does social (physical) distancing look like?

Have any questions?

Phone: (204) 897-3450
(204) 897-3460
Web: https://assiniboiasurgical.com
Email: ascreferrals@mymts.net

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