About the Facility

Assiniboia Surgical Centre is a non-hospital facility accredited by the College of Physicians and Surgeons and the Manitoba Dental Association. Your care is provided by a team of professionals (Anesthesiologist, Registered Nurse and many support staff) working along with the Oral Surgeon, to ensure your safety and well being.

Assiniboia Surgical Centre maintains hospital infection control and patient care standards. However, provide our patients with personal attention that is not found in hospital. Our facility includes a private pre-surgery waiting area complete with a massage chair, where patients can relax prior to surgery. Our mission is to provide our patients with quality care, attention and comfort.

Have any questions?

Phone: (204) 897-3450
(204) 897-3460
Web: https://assiniboiasurgical.com
Email: ascreferrals@mymts.net

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